About the paintings

Detail from Ellesmere Mereside
Detail from Ellesmere Mereside

Detail from Carnival
Detail from Carnival

Detail from Blue Skies
Detail from Blue Skies
I hope you enjoy the selection of my paintings reproduced on this website.

People often ask about the influences and inspiration behind the paintings. I hope they are unique and I don't think they are easily classifiable into any particular genre. Perhaps there are elements from the surrealist school - eg Rene Magritte, Paul Delveaux, and hints of the "magically fantastic" as with Henri Rousseau. Some paintings are of the "figurative narrative" school as per the works of Stanley Spencer. And maybe in some works there is a touch of the Manga comic tradition! I'm not into purely abstract art but in the age of the camera and digital imaging I think a painting should offer something different to a photograph - some essence of insight which has inspired the artist.

Some of my paintings are recognisably based on real places (eg Swan Lake, Towpath Troubadours, Last Tango in Venice) while others are entirely works of my imagination (eg Jazz Beach, Safe Haven, Herring Chorus).

I hope that in all of them I have been ambitious in terms of subject, perspective and mood, and have tried to capture those moments of joy, elation and anticipation which we all hope to experience in life.

details from Flying Sensation
details from Flying Sensation